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    Yoga Hand Postures for Women

    Excerpted from
    Power Mudras: Yoga Hand Postures for Women
    By Sabrina Mesko, Ph.D.H.

    Grass Meadow

    You have a secret hideaway in your world of nature.

    It is a lush grass meadow filled with wildflowers.

    Be adventurous. Take off your shoes and feel the life force beneath your bare feet.

    The grass will tickle you, massage you, poke you, and soothe you. The unusual feeling gets more comfortable with every step you take. Suddenly you feel daring, out of the ordinary, and younger. You're instantly taken back to your childhood when you ran around barefoot, careless, without worries or fears.

    You are a child again and it doesn't matter if your feet get dirty; all that matters is having fun.

    Run around, hear your laughter and feel the excitement in your heart and soul.

    You are nature's child and this feels great. It is you, barefoot in the grass.

    Nature's magic carpet is underneath you. It grounds you and recharges you instantly.

    Now sit down in the midst of the wildflowers and touch them with your hands.

    Let the fresh, natural scent permeate your senses. Look closely into the grass and notice the many blades that it takes to create the surface you're privileged to walk on.

    Brush the grass with your hands and feel the energy vibrate above the ground.

    The entire field is alive! Each blade and wildflower is stretching toward the sunlight and drinking it up. The meadow grows warm in the sun and cools down at night; it waits through the winter and it revives in the spring. The meadow is connected to every moment, every change; it stays vibrant, alive, and ever-present. Inhale the vibrant energy and know that like every blade of grass and every wildflower you, too, will survive every change, adjust, grow, and drink the power from the sky above you.

    Your wildflowers will bloom again.

    The soothing and nourishing energy of your meadow will always be in your heart in an instant. Just call for that picture with your mind.

    Anytime, anyplace, take yourself back to your meadow and see yourself sitting, or running barefoot, and laughing with the joy of an adventurous child.

    Take it with you wherever you go.

    You are a child of nature.

    Mudra for Creativity

    Sit with a straight spine. Connect the thumb and index fingers, keeping the rest of the fingers straight. Bend your elbows and lift your hands to your sides, palms facing up at a sixty-degree angle to the body. Concentrate on your Third Eye and meditate for at least three minutes. BREATH: Short, fast breath of fire from the navel.


    You are sitting at the edge of the most glorious and immense ocean.

    The sound of it roars in your ears and the waves are furiously rushing toward you.

    Each wave and sparkle is alive with immeasurable life forms.

    You feel the salty air on your face and your lungs are filling up with vibrant and nurturing energy.

    Close your eyes and give in to the sound of the ocean.

    This is the sound of the universe.

    The larger-than-life hum is the sound that can be heard anywhere if you fine-tune your ears to it. It is the sound that permeates all living creatures.

    The sound of the energy in all trees and flowers.

    The sound of the pulsating blood in your veins and those of every human being.

    The sound of the galaxies moving about.

    The sound of life everlasting.

    Connect to this sound.

    It instantly recharges and empowers you.

    Open your eyes and look around you.

    You notice a beautiful conch lying next to you.

    Pick it up and lift it to your ear.

    Like a magical music box it contains the exact replica of the ocean sound.

    It resonates with it and you can bring it as close to you as possible.

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