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jul-els last won the day on August 14 2022

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  1. If she’s fading out, just let it go. Never waste your time trying to chase someone down. Just mark it down as another person you met on your way to finding someone who you’re compatible with.
  2. This. If he says yes, great, there’s your opportunity. If not, you move on.
  3. Fwb means you don’t get hurt or jealous. That’s the definition of fwb. This is more than a casual fling for you and you have become emotionally invested. You need to either disclose this to him or cut ties with him. He’s fine with the fwb arrangement. The two of you are not on the same page and you’re the one who’s going to get hurt.
  4. Your insecurities are causing you to read between the lines and see things that aren’t there. She’s expressing interest in you. Enjoy it. Take the time to get to know her. Relax. Be confident and take the lead. Let go of your expectations and just see where things go.
  5. If you’re questioning whether you can trust him, then you can’t. I would walk away from this unless you enjoy being in a very messy relationship.
  6. They always ask for feedback when you meet someone, so I did mention it. I’m moving on.
  7. Yup. Oh well. I’m glad I didn’t waste much time.
  8. So, she did text me today, the day before her group meeting. The only thing she said was to ask if I wanted to attend the meeting. I replied, “I’m not sure if you’re interested in getting to know me, or if you’re interested in getting me to join your group, lol. I’ll pass on the meeting. Thank you (her name).” She replied, “No worries.. I just feel awful because I haven’t done what I say I was going to do.. my sincere apologies.” I texted back, “That’s okay, no worries 😊” Huh. Okay. I guess that’s that, lol.
  9. I’m not that into her to say that. Her interest in me is pretty low, which doesn’t leave me much to be interested in. I’ve already taken her out twice. I’ll wait and see if she calls next week and if she does I’ll see what she says. I think this pursuit has run its course.
  10. Really? I’m a grown a$$ man? I didn’t know that. Thanks for the update, lol. But yeah, if she asks me to the event again, I’ll decline. It’s a pretty good sign that she’s not interested.
  11. I don’t know her net worth, nor do I care. But based on the fact that she owns a well established business, and the clothes and jewelry she wears and the car she drives, I’m sure she has more money than I do. I tend to agree with overall sentiment in this thread. Her intentions don’t seem too great.
  12. What do you mean? I’m not following you.
  13. Again, it’s not a scam/MLM group. Can we let go of this idea? That’s not what’s going on here.
  14. What do you mean? I’m not following you.
  15. Just to reiterate, this is not a MLM scheme. It’s a legitimate business group. It’s a venue for small businesses to network, give and receive referrals, and to close business. On the subject of telling her I don’t want to mix business and pleasure, what’s a good way to word it?
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