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is the word love meaningless?

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my heart is black

my mind is too

for every night i think of you

for more than once my heart has been broken

where a boy takes a piece and keeps it as a token


now i come to you with this call

to find out once and for all


to me love is a word not to be used too frequently

but just like sorry its used too lightly




so my question is to you all can a word be used irrationally and no longer contain as much meaning?


thanks listening...


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hey neva_black-n_white,


wow that was a short but gr8 poem, i really understood what you were trying to say.


to answer your Q . . .errm it depends; if the person who says it abuses the word then after time it will loose its meaning but i believe that the word should keep its meaning longer than the time it takes to say it for the first time and the time it take to realise you mean it.


hope this helped


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