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What should I do...women especially

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Heartbroken, you have to give her time....she's asking for it, telling you honestly that she doesn't know how she feels about this other guy, then at least appreciate that she didn't cheat on you with him. If she's repeatedly told you that she needs to be away from you, then she needs to be away from you. Begging and pleading won't help her, it'll only make her decision that much harder. I totally understand loving someone so much, and being scared of losing the contact and thereforeeeee the relationship, but you HAVE to give her this. If you push her and nudge her to being back with you, how do you know she's truly happy with you or if she's just back because you've guilted her into staying with you? Don't be so hard on her.....I KNOW how much it hurts, we all do.....but she's doing the right thing in taking this break if that's what she really needs, and she was right to tell you how she felt, much as it hurt. It hurt her too, after all.....just give her time to clear her head and if it's right, she'll let you know.

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I called her todau after 3 days of no contact, s days of hell. I called to say hi and see what she was up to tonite. When I asked that, I could almost started to cry. I could hear it in her voice. I asked why she was crying and she said she didnt know. I told her she could tell me, and she said not yet. She doesnt know why she was crying. I don't think she has seen the other kid and talked to him recently cause she said that she didnt do anything the past few nites (she is telling the truth). Do you think that she missed me, but just wanted to make sure in her heart she did. I apologized for calling and she said I didnt have to apologize. I said I have to respect her space and she just said yeah. I said ok bye then, she said I love you, bye. Please someone.....what is going through her mind.

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it sounds like she is really confused....she needs some time to sort through her emotions by herself


if you love her, give her the space she needs...if it is meant to be, you WON'T lose her from your life


something you could try, everytime you miss her, write her a letter...don't send the letters though


you need to express your feelings, and writing them out will help a lot...trust me, I've done this and it works


distract yourself in the meantime...hang out with friends, watch movies, play games, anything healthy that you can manage to do


you might freak her out if you don't give her some space...she'll call you when she is ready


give her the chance to miss you for real...try no contact for at least a week...she might call you after 3 to 4 days

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She said she did not know why she was crying. She is obviously confused. I then asked her if she missed me ans she said yeah. Well this is after 3 days of no contact. She has not seen the other kid since the breakup, ,so I am nervous that if she does, she will start to not miss me. Is that possible? It only makes sense that if she misses me after 3 days, then she will miss me more after the days go by (unless she talks to the other kid...I dont know?). Someone please tell me what I should think or do. Do I still keep in contact now and then, or do I just ignore and hope she misses me even more to the point where she wants me back? Thanks

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