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Great Valentines Gift He Gave Me....

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Why did he have to do this to me now?????

2 days ago or whenever valentines day was- my boyfriends who i THOUGHT luved me decided he didn't anymore!!!

we argued and argued and then he was like- sorry but GOODBYE!!! then he was gone........... i felt like- doing this: ](*,)

i wanted to have a nice valentines day with him- it turned out to be the worst!!!


i am heartbroken


i luved him so much and now he's just- walked out of my life.... i dont think i'll eva get over him.....


any getting-over-a-boy-that-you-luved-after-breaking-up advice???


luv amy

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Hi Amy


I feel for you because it's easy to see you are suffering right now.


There is no quick-fix way for you to get over this, it's a combination of time and keeping yourself busy. The more spare time you have the more you will sit and think and dwell. You need to get out there and do things even if it's the last thing you feel like doing. Sitting around listening to sad songs won't help speed up your recovery (not that I'm saying that's what you're doing, don't get me wrong).


The main thing to remember is that your life goes on without him. Don't think of him like the only reason you had for getting up in the morning. Think of him as more of a supplement to your life, not your reason for living. He has left a hole in your life right now but in time that will be filled. So all you need to do now is ride out the storm, be brave, and wait for the calm. Have faith in your own strength. You are more resilient that you know!


I really wish you all the best. Sending you a virtual hug....

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Hi Amy,


I understand how you feel for I can very much relate.And I feel for you.

I thought this year V-day was gonna be sort of different for me than it always had been I was not looking for gifts or flowers but a simple statement of knowing feelings.. perhaps or a little note..nothing huge or elaborate.I thought for once I was with someone who cared and it was mutual feelings (I know it was mutual feelings we had for one another..that I still have),I felt it in my heart it was something special between us) I donno I just feel this way now cause I am kinda angry and very hurt,this is where I am at myself..maybe you are going through the same kinds of feelings.


You know what Amy I made myself look desperate lat night I sent a text and said some things that I needed to say and I almost begged for her back (maybe I did) I think I sounded pathetic,well I felt pathetic and sort of confused and lost about my whole situation.


But really all we can do now Amy is show that we are strong and we will go on and just realize... like I am coming to realize if they are willing to just walk out because a argument or a misunderstandings and don't really understand or get where you are coming from (even if you were wrong) and give it a go to work things out .. then If you ended up being together seriously how would you ever get through really,really big problems together?


It is her loss and that is what I am beginning to believe..and that is what you have to believe for yourself (his loss)..if they couldn't see what wonderful people we are and how much we really care for them although we mess up perhaps (we are only human and we do make mistakes,sometimes very big ones) then..they are the one that lost out on someone very special.

If they cared at all they would be willing to talk things out not just straight out abandon you.Life went on before him and it will go on after him,don't give him that much power over you that they bring you to your knees in tears.I know it hurts (it hurts like h*ll) but we will bounce back in time.Don't give up remember you are worth great love and someone who really does care *hugs* to you.that is how I feel about it all.


I had something nice happen this morning I drove my friend Lisa to work ..when she came out of the house with one long stemmed red rose for me..she said she hoped it would cheer me up a bit (it did) and she said she had never seen me so happy and glowing (loll as she put it) and now I was not happy at all,she said her heart broke for me.she is married and had a little boy and that thoughtfulness really touched me.She actually almost ended it with her husband when the were dating..he wrecked her car ..but they broke up..worked things through eventually and now are married,content and happy they do have their problems though

like everyone does ..but they really do love each other.


If we have our close friends we can get through anything..lean on them a bit and talk to them..it really does help.


Maybe there is hope..I won't give up...and you shouldn't either.

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Thanks to both of you for helping me out, you bvoth gave REALLY helpfull advice and now i realize- there's no point swelling over this guy, he hurt me in my heart and I've realized that if he could do that- he doesn't deserve my love.

Thank you so much once again, your advice was so good and AzureSkys69

good luck with your partner too, i hope everything turns out OK.


Thank you for everything,


love amy

p.s. thanks for the hugs!!!

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