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That is just the way you are

black eyed

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Your avarice is opaque,

your penitence is feinged,

a deceptive facade you have successfully gained.


You are crass and insipid

a wanton debaser,

seductive,licentious debauchery liberator.


And for all these reasons,

and many more unsaid

you tore out my heart

just to get ahead.


You ripped it out

and tore it up

not so unintentionally,

but that is just they way you are

and the way you will always be.

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I can relate:


watching you hustle the innocent

out of their ideals

your eyes closed, not seeing

their blood

and even me

yes me who loved you

and saw

an illusion of wisdom

in your hustle

me who helped open wounds

for you

turning slightly one day

from the corners of my eyes

I saw blood

from my own heart

and knew then

yes. even me

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