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marketing classes/minor - need suggestions

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Hi everyone,


I was hoping you guys could guide me here with a question I have in reference to classes I'm taking.


I'm currently majoring in Marketing with a minor in Psychology.


I figured a minor in Psych would look great on my resume. The problem is this: The only class in the Psych curriculum that I could take related to research is called Research Methods in Psychology, but that class does not even count towards a minor (For some reason they don't consider it a "psych" class per se, so they don't count it.


Anyhow, I am currently taking two classes for the minor that briefly go through concepts in the research field (brainstorming, focus group, correlations, experimental research, etc.) but do not go into research studies in-depth. One is "Small Group Behavior," and the other is "Social Psychology." I've currently registered for two other psych classes next semester: "Behavior Analysis" and "Cognitive Processes." Although obviously they study how people think and behave, I think they won't be heavy on research. Instead, they'll mostly cover theory and concepts (I still have time to change these though).


I've been looking at class offerings as of late and I've seen that at my university, aside from Psychology, they typically offer research classes in different yet somewhat related areas like Sociology, Health, Anthropology, etc.


I feel that I don't have to limit myself to "Marketing" as far as research knowledge given that the statistics you use are applicable accross different fields (e.g. I've seen job ads in the health field that require experience with focus groups, research, etc, and having a marketing degree is accepted).


So my question is this:

What would look better on the resume - a minor in Psychology, or no minor but a section called "Related Courses" that would include Market Research, Consumer Behavior, Research Methods in Psych, Research Methods in Health, Research Methods in Sociology, etc. Would the latter look more attractive in the eyes of employers, or would it give the impression that I'm uncertain as to which area I'm leaning towards? (Note: my current internship is in the realm of Advertising - yet another area). I would think that the more, the better, but I want to make sure.


Unfortunately, the bad part is that I already took the two theory-related courses I mentioned above. The marketing major only requires 3 outside electives, and I've already taken two. So if I want to take, say, 3 research methods classes, I'd be putting in 2 extra electives.


Still - it seems as if this is a viable option for me. Again, it'd be great to show a minor, but if they ask me "what exactly did you take for the minor?", I'm going to have to end up giving a list of mere theory courses.


I'm open to any comments/suggestions.

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Would it really be that much more beneficial to take additional research method courses in other disiciplines? It would seem that that would be a little redundant.


I don't know how it is in other disiciplines, but in economics, we have the usual two courses in introductory statistics and then a two-part series in econometrics. I would imagine that it's a similarly tiered system in either sociology or psychology. Both econometrics courses are essentially more probability theory and then applied statistics work in economics. That sounds like what you're after in your disicipline: to specialize in research methods for some disicipline?


Hope that helps.

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Thanks for the replies thus far.


To answer your question, I think it would make a big difference. In these classes you conduct research experiments and the more exposure I'd have to that, the better, in my opinion.


My marketing curriculum alone provides very little in terms of hands on work with statistical tools and doing research projects.


I think taking other research courses would be beneficial, but I'm still unsure if, when I list them under "Related Courses" in my resume, employers are going to think I can't make up my mind as far as which research field I want to focus on.


On the contrary, they might think (which is what I'm hoping for) that it shows I took the initiative in taking so many research classes to expand my knowledge accross several applicable courses.


I wish I could do my minor AND take these additional courses, but I do not have the time nor the money to do that.


In response to the other poster, I do not plan to get a minor in Sociology, because, like Psychology, it only consists of ONE research classes and then requires like 5 more theory classes. I'm pretty sure I won't remember most of the info I get out of those theory classes a month after I finish.


More comments are welcome. Keep them coming, please.

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Taking initiative is always good. However, you should probably talk to an advisor or better yet, your profs. Your profs can probably give you the most relevant answer.


The unfortunate thing about all these research method courses is that they don't do a career in research justice. You're going to have to take it upon yourself to actually "learn" how to become a researcher even if you take these courses. There are simply way too many statistical tools for them all to be covered in one course, and all of these research method classes will overlap in the statistical theory.


Just as one suggestion, have you looked at your local economics department listings? Econometrics is used accross a wide variety of disiciplines outside of economics -- including marketing -- so maybe you could look into that too? As I said in my last post, it's essentially the continuation of basic probability and statistical theory; an excellent opportunity to obtain more research experience in other words.

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