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question! is 15 and 22 that bad?

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Hi there,


Well that's a tough one, age gap relationships are usually better thought of in terms of maturity and direction in each other's lives rather then age. Someone who's 22 may be looking for a life-mate whereas a 15/15 year old is probably just looking for some fun. Or the older guy may be interested in having sex with a relatively inexperience girl...inexperienced in relationships enough to not know when to draw certain lines, etc...


I personally would be a little bit weary of his intentions, but that's just my personal view. Really all you'll find is personal viewpoints and you have to decide what is right for you.


That's my two cents.



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ive been with older guys than me and actually i have never been with anyone my age before and me and him are pretty good friends, he has a daughter, shes cool. yeah, i do think hes looking for a life mate but he always says age is but a number..so i think that his intentions are good..i just dont want to be look down upon for dating someone almost 7 yrs older than me...or people look down upon him..is it worth is if they do?

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thats very true..i am not sure if he does or not. only time will tell that he seems to be pretty attached to me tho seemings he invites me over and he picks me up(he lives about 30 mins away) and takes me home and everything buys me all kinds of shit.. but i may just be mistaking niceness with flirting..and oh, his child is his stepchild not biological the girl he was with had a baby while they were together and he fell in love with her so he still considers her his!

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i would be VERY CAREFUL with that. i have been in that situation myself.. and mostly olders guys look for younger girls to make themselves feel young and also to get some fresh you know what.. that sounds kinda bad but it is the truth.. if he seems real sincere about being with you or whatever i would go for it but keep your eyes open..

i think if your real concerned you should talk to him about it.


he could also get into alot of trouble he isn't worried about that??

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you know i dont even think that he wants the sex or if he is even looking for a relationship he could have just been being nice. Maybe he wants a good friendship that could lead to more in the future i really dont know what he thinks or how he feels about the whole thing i dont even know if he knows that i have feelings for him..maybe one day ill get up the guts to talk to him..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay I really have no room is some peoples view to talk I am 14 years younger than my husband but i am also 24 and he is 38. My question to you is one I have faced myself what happens when he starts being different than he is now? My husband changed after we got married not drasticly but deffinitely, and he is 38! A 22 year old guy still has alot to learn and do in life. Not to mention that he may just feel friendly toward you, or be blinded by you. Seeing you being around you makes him feel better about himself. Now the other side of the issue is you. At 15 you have alot to go through before you even get out of high school. Despite what anyone says I am 23 and I am still learning about life. Do you want to spend the next year of you life maybe more restricted by your relationship. He won't be able to take you dancing or out with his friends you will be made uncomfortable bringing him around your own friends. If you both are interested in this idea than hang out by all means but wait. Date you know every once in a while you go out to a nice dinner or the movies but you both feel free to date others. You never know when the hottest sweetest guy will move into town and end up sitting next to you in class. Or he may find his soulmate don't set your selves up for heart ache. If you guys are going to be as in GOD ON HIGH SAID SO 6 years isn't a drop of water in the bucket. Then you'll be 21 and to heck with what the world thinks!

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