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hey now calm down


I dont mean ot belittle the situation but everyone goes trhough phases when they feel no one understands. Sometimes you cna be surrounded by friends but be lonlier than someone deserted on an island.... or a monkey in a cheese factory... ermm sry going off on one. Whats wrong do you jsut not feel listened to i mean really listened to or do you just feel alone in your own world. if you need a talk im here to pm or reply back.


I hope your ok

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I have felt the way you feel before. Dont worry, things will look up. I felt like all my friends didnt understand me and we had nothing in common. Then one evening my girlfriend showed up and we went and drove around in her car and bullsh*ted and found out we had more in common than we ever realized!!!




Here are some things to nibble on: What originally drew you to your friend? What are things you like to do and they like to do?


Sometimes you are going in one direction and your friends in the other.


There are millions of people in this world and Im sure there are tons that would love to have you as a friend.


If not, you could always drink. (Just kidding about that last part.)

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