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Unshackled from a lunatic

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Do you mean the "death of impossible dreams" part? The way I see it is that sometimes when you give up a dream then it's a form of freedom or liberation. For example:

1.) I must become a world class ballarina - if I do not then I am a failure

2.) I must have Suzy Q for my own, if I cannot then no other woman will do

3.) Straight A's in school - all the time, no exceptions. do wahtever it takes


I'm just saying that as an older adult you realize some of the things just aren't going to happen and you make yourself miserable trying to achive them. In reality something (or someone) else can make you just as happy and satisfied in life.


I'd rather be really happy playing in a garage band with the occasional paying gig then miserable because I'm not charting on the billboard top 20 or whatever and endlessly trying and failing.

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I'd rather be really happy playing in a garage band with the occasional paying gig then miserable because I'm not charting on the billboard top 20 or whatever and endlessly trying and failing.


fully. Blue Oyster Cult is playing to some audiences of only 200 or so now, after packing huge arenas and selling millions of albums in their heyday. are they making money? do they even need money? no, and no. they do it just because they love playing and sharing their music. what an awesome life.

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