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flirting tips


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hi im 19 and jus got outta a rough relationship, the ex cheated on me, but its in the past.i wanna get back out there and jus hang out and have a good time. the only thing is i choke around girls. i wanna be more flirty. i have a date with a girl this weekend and were goin bowlin. i work wit her and i could usually keep a conversation going well with her. although wen youre bowlin and theres music playin...you cant have a good conversation, so i jus wanna flirt and try and make her laugh and ya kno jus have a good time. neways i was jus wonderin if someone could give me some good dating and flirting tips....idk im clueless wen it comes to dating:

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Firstly well done for getting over your previous relationship and moving on - that's the most difficult step


Now, the difficulty with talking to girls thing is actually fairly easy to overcome, though you haven't exactly left yourself much time! You're already going on a date so don't have the issue of "breaking the ice" which is a major problem for lots of people.


Essentially you need to have plenty of stuff to talk about, so essentially you need to have plenty of anecdotes to tell her and (as you've rightly identified) make her laugh. I'm sure loads of stuff has happened to you over the past, say, week that has made you smile, so try to remember all those amusing things *now* so you essentially have loads of ways of making her laugh - don't rehearse them though or you'll come accross a bit weird. I wouldn't try and tell jokes either (unless you're a natural comedian - in which case you should already have girls literally throwing themselves at you and shouldn't really be here...).


One thing I only recently learned is that guys tend to talk about facts, and girls tend to talk more about (and be more responsive to) emotions - so (to pick something that happened to me last weekend) "this massive taxi driver shouted at me for getting into his cab uninvited, and tried to start a fight with me right there in the street" would become "I got into a cab with the new friends I'd made waiting outside the station, and the driver got really angry and started shouting at us - I was really embarrased as I was the one who got in first - so then we jumped out but he followed and started threatening me in the street, which was scary enough, but he then opened the boot and got out his bag, and I was thinking 'fukcing hell he's got a gun ohsihtohsihtohsiht'" and it becomes a both a much better story and has a bit of emotion.


Also people like contact - so touch her on the elbow and shoulder (this doesn't really intrude on her personal space) and see how she responds.


However, the absolutely crucial thing is to be confident - so smile, and sit and stand up straight. Imagine how you'd look the next day if you pulled her? Yup, you'd be smiling loads and feeling/looking pretty confident. Look like that. Good luck

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