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should i still try more for her


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so me and this girl met from friends. shes younger then me but we go to the same schcool. i could tell kinda and my friend told me he thinks shes attracted to me. and i like her also. so we hung out in a group of friends twice and we kinda got to be friends. so i started talking to her online and everything after that and basically i gave her signals that i am interested in her. and she didnt seem turned off or like it affected her at all. but the thing is she never goes out of her way to say hi to me ever. if i see her in school walking by she doesnt say hi. but whene i talk to her she usualy keeps a conversation going. and the way i am with girls usualy is i show them im interested and usualy they will start to show some interest back leting me know its kinda mutual. but its hard to tell in this situation. she could be shy or something but its hard when they dont show anything back even tho u can kinda tell there intersted. what do i do. i havent talked to her in a few days and were not really at the point yet were we can talk about how i feel about her i mean right now where just kinda friends if even that much. so i dont know where to go i dont wanan jus give up but if i keep trying it makes me seem desprit

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It could be shyness... it could also be that she's not interested in you but she's not willing to talk to you directly about it, hence she doesn't make an effort to initiate conversation...


If I were you I'd leave it for now eh... if you made signals that you are interested in her, then she knows how you feel about her. The fact that she isn't making an effort to reciprocate indicates to me that she's not really interested...


Good luck with it all..

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