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questions about fingering?

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well, the girl that i am with, i am the first guy she has ever done anything with. i just have like three questions about fingering...


1.) Since this is her first time having this done to her, would this affect the course of her period?

2.) Is it normal for the girl to stop you when she is about to cum? becuase i get going at it, and you can tell by her emotions that she is really into it, and then she just stops me, im assuming this is before she cums.... any ideas?

3.) girls..... what are some arousing things i can do while fingering?

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answers are as follow...


1) No it shouldnt affect her period


2)Its normal, usually when people stop, it just means they arent comfortable or they dont want to 'let go' of their emotions etc Dont worry about this, It usually passes once she develops more trust.


3)Kiss her neck really softly and gently... that always gets me going hehe

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I think the reason that she is stopping you probably is because she feels shy about coming infront of you, if you make her feel really comfortable and like there is nothing to worry about then soon she will not stop you.


You could try not looking at her face or watching her the first time or something, you could be kissing her neck, as suggested to make her more aroused. Sometimes I even get uncomfortable being watched when I'm with my boyfriend who I love! He always makes me feel better by kissing me or my body or just laying with me but not looking at me! I'm getting over that fact now though because I'm getting more comfortable!

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It won't change her period in any way.


One thing I would say though, is to make sure your fingernails are short and no sharp edges. My boyfriend once made me bleed all over the place because his nails were long. I didn't notice at all. The blood rush there means that a small nick can produce a lot of blood.


Just make sure its all short


Sometimes you can get a bit sensitive down there around orgasm. She might be stopping you because of that or if she feels a little uncomfortable. I liked what Teapot said about not looking at her, try kissing her neck or something.


Ask her about it. She might have actually come. My boyfriend can never really tell until I ask him to stop. Unless I just let him carry on...


It always gets me going when my bf tells me how sexy I look like that or how turned on he is while fingering me. Or if he tells me how wet I am. Otherwise, stroking breasts, legs, face, stomach etc always works. And I LOVE it when he licks his fingers afterwards. But don't do that if you're not comfortable with it.

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Got a related question to this. My gf cums sometimes, but i don't really feel her body tangling, and afterwards it smell soooo much like you know urin, I don't know if she is fooling me about saying she is cuming or she is coming, but.. well.. how should it taste and smell?

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fingering doesn't suppress the cyclus.


Almost all female masturbation techniques will focus on stimulating the clitoris in a variety of ways until orgasm is reached. The best way to go about this task is to find a nice, quiet, private place where both are comfy

like the shower or bedroom. If going over to manual you usually only resort to masturbation when you feel the need for some release of sexual tension, like when you're horny. Of course, a female alone..... masturbation just plain feels good, and doesn't depend on anyone else's ability to satisfy your needs, so often it is a great way to just let loose and relax. There are three main types of masturbation: manual stimulation involving the hands, water stimulation involving showers and jacuzzi jets, and auxilliary stimulation, involving dildos, vibrators, and other sexual toys. Part of the fun of masturbation is self-discovery though but can be as much fun with two, so use the basic techniques to discover some of her more complex and more satisfying techniques.


Unless she would be in a hurry, the best preparation for masturbation is by first arousing herself through visual or audible stimuli such as movies, magazines, pictures, or whatever else you can think of. This serves to enhance her's and your experience, and prepares her genitals for the type of further stimulation that you choose. This type of "foreplay" can often increase the tension during masturbation and often causes longer-lasting more intense orgasms.


In your case i would go easy since this is her first time. Maybe by getting an vibrator and supprising her with different tools make her come loose a bit and always have fun, laugh and have a good time so that the tension gets less. Don't penetrate her with the vibrator unless she tells you to, if the word given go very easy and ask or it hurts or not, let her feel you care. Other wise go over and arrouse her clitoris with lubricant and play like that.


For women, the clitoris can be stimulated in a wide variety of ways. The best way for you to learn what works and what doesn't is by experimenting. Try rubbing her clitoris in different ways, or if she find it too sensitive to rub directly, stimulate it indirectly by rubbing around it, on the clitoral hood, vagina, or even the labia. If something doesn't seem to work, try varying the intensity, frequency, and pressure.


good luck and I hope this info works for you.

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1. Getting fingered does nothing for a menstrual period, besides making the person fingering have bloody fingers.

2. I don't know if it's normal to have someone stop when you are about to cum. I suppose if she has not ever played with herself down there and is not used to the sensations when you are about to cum, then I guess she might stop you. If you are hitting her g-spot it can make a woman feel like she has to pee and she may stop you if you keep hitting that.

3. Quite, honestly I am a woman and could care less about penetration with fingers when I'm making love. What gets me hot is kissing (gets me soooooo wet), little caresses all over, and love to have my clit rubbed. Sometimes talking can be a turn on if the person I'm with is telling me how much they want me and how beautiful I am or how wet I am. Try those things.

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