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well i posted something before about my internet girl she lied about what she looks like and everything . So i took her back but is it normal for me to feel werid when i talk to her? I used to picture her so well but know when i really picture the way she really looks it not the same anymore. It is always going to be like this or it is just know cause we are staring over again? it feels like the love isn't there like i really fell for her for her looks and that makes me shallow is that it am i shallow?

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Hello t_guy,


I don't believe you are shallow for feeling the way you do now. You probably fell in love with the girl but you pictured her with another face. So I think it's normal to feel strange now. Your might feel like it isn't the same person anymore. I also think you should meet her before you decide whether you love her or not.


How did you find out that she doesn't look like the picture she sent you? Did she admit it to you? Maybe you should admire her for coming out and admitting you the truth. If she lied, then she is probably insecure about the way she looks. So don't be too hard on her.


Well, I wish you lots of luck and hopes everything turns out for the better.

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