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Returning Home....after a 2 week split

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My girlfriend & I recently "broke up" it was not a mutual feeling and to be honest it does not seem like things should be over.We were together 8 months & the week before we split we were fighting alot.We "broke up" then and she told me"She never wanted to be with me again".Later that same night we saw eachother at a part and she ended up leaving with me & we got together after a very emotional 4 hour talk.This was a mistake,we needed to have that time apart,and we cheated ourselves out of it.We ended up breaking up completley a few weeks later.A full on break up doesnt seem like it should be.We both love eachother very much & I have never felt so strongly about anyone in my entire life.

The week we broke up she called once and IM'ed me and I ended up seeing her the night before I left.Iam currently in Michigan & I will be flying home to L.A in a week.This is the longest we've been apart and it as been really hard on me.I cannot wait to get home & see her because I know all we needed was time apart...not to end it completley.We spent every waking (and sleeping) hour together and I think it was just too much.Anhow in the meantime how should I talk to her through email?

And more importantly..how should I act when I return home?

I miss her so much & Iam so far from home....I know I truly love this girl and I know it is meant to be.

Any advice would be awesome & would really help me out



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