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Ugh what now??

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Every now and then I get in these little dark moments. when i just feel like crap. Like now, everything seems to just be going down hill. I don't have anything to look forward to. I have a job, but they don't really need me so I work about 2 days a week, this week i don't work at all. I don't like working there at all either. I live at home with my parents, my mom I don't get along with at all. She treats me like begs me for money, drinks, just a very negitive person. It's hard for me to live in the house every day with her, i just want to get out. I don't have a car, so I really can't go anywhere. I'm not sure if i'll even be able to go back to school next sememster.


It's like everything is just going so bad. I know i'm just looking at the negitives. The only positives I see is, having my boyfriend that is always there for me. But lately I'm always coming to him with some sort of problem, like i never have a good day. I know he's going to get tired of that soon too....but how am i suppose to be happy when i have nothing to be happy about. I've done alot of "faking" but really on the inside i feel like crap.

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