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Should I agree to work?

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About eight months ago two guys from head office came down to my small town. There are bascally only two bars. It was late at night, one of the guys was very drunk and he initiated a very bloody fight (someone else's blood - not his) then disappeared. Me living in Japan , nobody wanted to know about it- but I ended up feeling very uncomfortable in the bar from then on. Everyone else in our group ran off with this guy- I went home and felt very shocked because I'd never seen anything like that.


Not eight months down the line this guy is supposed to come to my branch for a week to do training. I've said I won't work with him. But the general consensus is that I should go to work and "be professional".


Let me say:

This is Japan- he isnt going to get fired for this.


I've already said I won't work with him if he comes but it may make no difference and he may come anyway. But new staff are coming at the same time so it could seriosuly affect my relationship with them which would suck.


My principles tell me I should simply not go to work. But if I didnt go to work I would just be sitting home feeling like an idiot. The guy that started a fight clearly doesnt care at all, he could have chosen not come here. He wants the confrontation. I just never want to deal with the guy ever again.


Whats the right thing to do. I dont think I can work with him. But he leaves the company at the end of september. He's friends with head office staff- the only person getting a raw deal, the only unhappy one here is me.


What should I do?

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I think you should go to work and maintain a strictly formal business relationship. Don't engage him in casual chit-chat or politely rebuff him if he tries to talk to you, do what he says as soon as he says it, and ignore any jibes or jokes he might about the incident.


I say this for two reasons, one is he's leaving the company soon and you're not, it's better for you in the long run. Two, you've already made it clear to the others in your workplace that you aren't ethically comfortable working with him, they'll respect you more for remaining professional and you get to be the bigger man.


Hope this helped... =)

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