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What women want?

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Hi all,


I thought I'd start a rather fun topic on here. Depending on how this goes I may provide my amateur take on the answers, or perhaps SwingFox could help me to analyze the responses.


This is a simple question. Ladies, when choosing a new guy to date what are the THREE most important things you look for in a guy?


Have fun.



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hay bzborow1


three is is too small of a number but i will try to fit it all onto just three things for you:


1) he has got to have a good personality, to find this out i usually start out as friends.


2) he has got to be tall, have broad shoulders and big hands to hold me in. i know that more than one thing in this one but its all the same thing really.


3) hmm, last one i dont know i guess it would have to be . . . (this is going to sound really monotonous, i know everyone says it) but he has got to be my type (tall brown spiky hair and brown eyes nice teeth ect)


it was a weird post but it was good keep postin them



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Hmmm three things...


1) He has got to have a fun loving personality and make me laugh!, this is a must


2) He has got to be sporty...I love my sports and could not be with someone who won't enjoy them with me


3) He has got to be caring...and hold me when I need holding *winx*

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nice post and i wonder what the three things would be from the men??? will we ever find yours out?


well for me if i was to chose my three aspects i would go for...*drum rolls*


1 he has to have a great personality (meaning really he has to have the ability to make me laugh smile and generally happy)


2 has to have a great set of hands and no how to use them *wink wink* (this is meant in more ways than one, caring and sexual lol)


3 number three hhhhhhm the hard one...tis has to be important....i believe that he has to be himself, i like a man to state his own opinion and be proud of it, id like them to act how they usually act around other people and not come accross false by trying to hard....just be you. (that does roll into one....honest...well i think it does?)


how about you then?


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The three things I look for in a guy are:


Of course I have to initially be attracted to him and then this is what

I look for.


1. Friend- In other works I have to enjoy spending time with him.


2. Sense of Humour- Has to be able to laugh at him-self, and like to

joke around alot. Always see the lighter side of



3. Believe in Him-self - Has to know who he is and have confidence in

all he dose.

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