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too immature...?

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No, I don't agree with your friend. I think what she was getting at was this; Being timid all the time isn't a quality that ladies find attractive. So she was just trying to save you from heartbreaks. But who cares, just have some fun don't worry about all of that. You just need some more friends that are girls, not necessarily a girlfriend. Just look them in the eyes and smile at them, at your age there are lots of shy girls too.

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Well, the fact that you're here in the first place shows that you put thought into your actions. That's pretty much the definition of maturity right there.

Being shy isn't a trait that brands you as mature or immature. I'm desperately shy myself, yet I think of myself as mature.


Don't worry about what she said.

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Sorry about that, well. Most guys that you're going to be attracted to are just out to have fun. That's all good. Have some fun.


But be careful, most guys are not looking for anything serious. So don't give in to us if you feel initially uncomfortable. We can play on your feelings and impair your judgment making it feel ok.


Trust me if it came off as something you shouldn't do, don't do it. You may be shy but you need to respect yourself always. That is a quality that few people my age maintain. 21 isn't as old as it seems.


Don't look at how he makes you feel, look at what he is trying to get you to do. Be it sex, drugs, alcohol, they are all in the same. So respect yourself, and have fun.

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