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this girl i really like is into the head bangin sh*t and i bring my mp3 player 2 skool and me and her sit and listen 2 heavy metal on the bus.

we talk a lot and she thinks i can draw really good and wants a lot of mi pictures. i'm really comfortable talkin 2 her and all but i just can't really make any moves...any help here?

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Hi Haz.Mat !


You just can't make any moves?

Why not !!!! Of course you can - and that is exactly what you are going to do


You need to invite her to meet up with you outside school to listen to some tunes and talk about music and stuff. Ask her if she would like to meet up with you some saturday or something - or if she wants to come home with you after school or something !! It's really that simple - don't ask, don't get !!


You have your common interest - music - and thats a great start for you guys! It can be quite hard for rockers to get girlfriends, so you can hopefully have a rocker chick girlfriend


Hope this helps you some



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THat depends what sort of girl your after !! You a rocker by any chance?

Rockers have throught time had trouble getting girls - it's something to do with the whole death side of the music ! I myself was a rocker - and still am a bit - listen to Slayer once a month


You need a rocker chick who would appreciate a mohawk - that simple ! So you look for a rocker hangout to go to - and thats where you find your common interest.


U are are rocker right?!!!



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Well, to add a point of view from being a musician...


"Rockers", like myself and Charmed, have no problem getting girls, just not for the right reason!


That's where the problem lies. Too many people get jaded when they see a musician, and don't really know what they're looking for. They just see someone artistic and musical, and are lured in. Then, after time passes and the thrill wears off, they don't see the excitement... and that's what they came for.


It's really hard to meet any decent girls at gigs, you sort of have to go out to a bar, or wherever, and be yourself... It's really tough to try to find someone who's willing to get to know you for the right reasons.


That's just my 2 cents, and I know it's off topic a bit, but I just wanted to point it out! SLAYER!!!! LOL



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WHats wrong with Slayer !!! Absolutely Nothing !! Angel of Death is one of my favourite metal tracks - in fact I requested it in a club the other night and got it - and then heard it in another part of the club later in that night ! My 5 mates and I were screaming, and I mean SCREAMING the lyrics out somethin hardcore !! It was the funniest moment of the night actually - but for the right reasons of course


Slayer are true ledgends - and a pinicle metal band of the early 90's. I love em !!

PS - Has anyone heard Tori Amos' cover version of Raining Blood

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i also hear that girls are attracted to proper grammer


Its really not as hard as you think though; i considder myself to be very shy around girls im interested in, but every now and then i managed to get one of my own. Every time it happens, the first time after we hook up, i think to myself, "wow that was easy!" It really doesnt take much if the girl is already interested in you, and it sounds like she is, you already have two things in common. If she likes your art, you could always do a picture for her, that might give her the idea. One way that i used on a girl that worked pretty well was just tell her your shy, and could never see yourself trying to kiss her. It's kind of pathetic, like, the easy way out, but it worked for me 8) Just have confidence.

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