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I think I messed up!

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Hey all,


Today I went in and got a nice hair cut. I had a very nice, beautiful Italian girl cut and style my hair. I think she may have wanted me to ask her out, and yet I did not really pick up on it until after I had left.


We were just talking about different things like Italy and were she was from. She just got to Australia not to long ago and I have just got back from travelling through Italy(with my friends that live in the same area as her), she then out of the blue asked if I knew were this club was in Melbourne, I told her that I had heard of the place but did not know where it was. She said it sounded fun, and that she wanted to go. While cutting my hair she said that she thought my hair was beautiful and I could do anything with it and it would still look good. After finishing the cut she ran out the back and got a flyer for the club with the address on it. I told her that I had been past a few times and it looked good..............................I then payed and walked out thanking her and said good bye!


Do you think that she was hinting for me to ask her to take her to the club? I have a bad hangover today and really was more concentrating on not being sick. As I started walking home it hit me, that I should have asked her out, and that it even seemed that she wanted me to.


What do you think?

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Why do you think she ran out the back to get the flyer with the details of the club on it?


She was clearly interested...


But I think what you did was good in some respects, in-fact it probably worked to your advantage because at least she won't think you are desperate and have a good head on your shoulders.

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But I think what you did was good in some respects, in-fact it probably worked to your advantage because at least she won't think you are desperate and have a good head on your shoulders.


Sure she might not think I'm desperate, but I sure cant see how she could possibly think I have a good head on my shoulders when I did not even pick up the hints!


I seem to think that it may be to late, well at least until next time I need to get a trim(might be a lot sooner than usual).

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Sure she might not think I'm desperate, but I sure cant see how she could possibly think I have a good head on my shoulders when I did not even pick up the hints!


She can't be 100% sure about this, she might have got the impression that you were just playing it 'cool', and most women find that a turn-on.



I seem to think that it may be to late, well at least until next time I need to get a trim(might be a lot sooner than usual).


I don't think you have missed out, maybe you could drop by the salon sometime and see what she thinks about going to that club sometime?

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