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Hi, Its been 2 weeks since I saw him properly as a couple and day 4 of our official breakup and I think I am beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel.


I won't deny that it's been easy because it hasn't and goldie will verify that for me. I still cry, but I do this alone now, and when I am thinking of very personal private moments and I still hurt, deeply.


But last night I went out with a friend, someone I don't normally go out with and she just thinks I am fabulously confident. I made a contact through the internet with a guy who is into surfing, and I met up with him this week to become my surfing buddy...and too, I went to a new climbing club and joined, meeting new people...When I think hard about this I am amazed at what I have done this week. I have just broken up with the love of my life, who used to laugh at me because I was so shy and now look at me..!!!!


I don't know why I am writing this, maybe it's to help others or maybe I just want to confirm that I am beginning to move on...i don't know. Last night when I came in I was sad and unhappy but then this morning I remember what this girl said and I keep thinking "hey you know, I dont know anybody who would do this!" and that's a good feeling...

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And moving on you will achieve! It's all a matter of time unfortunately. And instead of wishing time away. Fill it with good times and going out and pampering yourself.


Instead of thinking. Oh blimey. Everyone's out down the pub with my ex and they're all having a good time without me. Think - Oh great! I've got time to chill out, paint my toe nails, take a bath..


Things that you enjoyed doing before when you were single and happy. Because being alone isn't as bad as it first seems. And essentially remember you're never alone anyway.


Millions of people go through this every day. It's what makes us go out and hold our heads up high in the hope that one day we really will find that special someone.


In the meantime Sabena. You get mad women ringing you up at work because there are people out there who genuinely care and really want you to be happy. Even if they are a stranger.


Hugs, G xxx

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