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There's this beautiful girl who I have talked to at parties in the last few weeks, and a little bit online. Three nights ago we were talking, and she said "I'm so bored right now, I wish someone would come and save me" I finally got the balls to say "I'll save you". So at around 12 AM she snuck out of her house (we're both 17), I picked her up, and we drove around to various parks. We just sat there talking most of the time. We made eye contact a lot at the start, and she'd smile and laugh a lot.


Then around 2-3 AM, when we were outside under the stars on a baseball field, she started making eye contact less, but kept talking just as much and smiling and laughing. She said "this is really fun" randomly, in the middle of conversation. Then as I dropped her off she said "well I guess I'll see you... uh... hmmm... there's not many parties going on now.... I'll see you later... this was interesting..."


What's with that!?!?


Then last night I asked her if she wanted to go out again, but she said that she couldn't go out with her parents knowing and their permission because she's been out too much lately, there was a party at her house, and her parents were getting annoyed with her going out so much. And that she couldn't sneak out late at night because she had to wake up early the next day. I can't help feeling that I got shot down, maybe I'm paranoid. But then she also said "I don't want my parents to be mad at me and not let me go over your house monday (her and her good friend want to come over, my house is empty and they want to drink with me)"


She also said she wanted the thing monday to be pretty small, with maybe one other guy, so 4 or 5 of us total. This is what I want too. The last time she got drunk around a guy she made out with him.. so yeah...


She's never had a boyfriend before. What do you guys think this means? Did I get shot down? How should I ask her to be alone again? What was with what she said to me and the no eye contact later in the night?


A lot of guys go after her because she's so beautiful, so it's hard for me to just take a chance without analyzing the situation first.

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We actually did talk about kissing, in general, while we were out there. We were really open about it. She hasn't ever had a sober kiss before, just about 3 drunken ones. She's so beautiful though, and so many guys like her. It makes it really hard to have confidence to "go for it", even though I was thinking about doing it right then. I can't help feeling that she's out of my league.


I was kind of dating her friend, but we broke up recently, so as I was driving her back at the end I said "If I told sarah about this, she'd be so pissed." And then she said "well don't tell her." I was trying to probe to get her to say "why should she? we just went out as friends, right?" but she didn't..


She's really innocent and she told me that she's played guys in the past, so that makes all of this harder to deal with.


Oh yeah and the guy she made out with last week while drunk... she told me she actually didn't want him coming to my house monday... just "another guy maybe... as a filler." So I guess that's good because she doesn't like that guy, and wants to hang out with me while drunk but not him, and another random guy there.


How should I arrange to see her next? Is drinking with her a good idea? I don't want to come off too strong, asking her to do something. I want it to seem natural.

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But even if we kiss while drunk, or something like that, it won't really give me a clue either way as to her feelings, because she kisses guys drunk without feeling. Although it would sure be fun. Her friend has a boyfriend of one year, but he's out of the country right now. So I should just have 4 people total and keep it as small as possible??


What makes you think that she likes me? Just curious and it would help me to look out for the same thing in the future.


Oh and also we talked online last night. She was signed on for about an hour and never IMed me.. which is a bad sign, but I eventually IMed her and I suppose it went decently. I mentioned how I wasn't a typical guy, more "sensitive" than most, and she said "sensitive guys are hot"

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Things that make me think she likes you:

"I'm so bored right now, I wish someone would come and save me" - sounds like a big hint

"So at around 12 AM ... Then around 2-3 AM" - thats a long time, you dont do that with people you dont like

"She also said she wanted the thing monday to be pretty small" - wants to be alone with you

"the guy she made out with last week while drunk... she told me she actually didn't want him coming to my house monday" - so he doesnt get in the way

"just another guy maybe... as a filler." - to deal with her friend while she is alone with you

"I mentioned how I wasn't a typical guy, more "sensitive" than most, and she said "sensitive guys are hot"" - self explanatory


Maybe try to kiss her before she gets plastered... that will also give you more of the night together

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Interesting...I was in the same exact situation.


She's interested in you at the least, so make your move before such a great opportunity passes. I think the best thing is to resume where you left off with your first "date" or whatever you want to call it. Be creative...I'm thinking of asking her to "save you" and have a similar date as the first. You saved her; she owes you. Then, show her how you feel. Hug, snuggle, play around, kiss.

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Interesting...I was in the same exact situation.


She's interested in you at the least, so make your move before such a great opportunity passes. I think the best thing is to resume where you left off with your first "date" or whatever you want to call it. Be creative...I'm thinking of asking her to "save you" and have a similar date as the first. You saved her; she owes you. Then, show her how you feel. Hug, snuggle, play around, kiss.


This is gold. Go for it and good luck!

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