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I need to vent..

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You sound very sweet and you probably feel so much better just getting out how you feel. What you feel is all normal. You have so much to look forward to and I know you are eager but good things come to those who wait. Don't think of the results so much, live each day one at a time. If you like the 15 yr. old, ask her out to a movie or something.


I had the same feelings years ago when I was young, he was 15 and so was I, we met on vacation with our families. We will be 40 next year and still keep in touch through the years. If anything you will gain a new friend. Take risks. No risk, no gain.

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Don't even think about the 21 year old. That is drama you don't need. To the 15 year old. It is OK to approach but I would be more concerned about her parents opinion of their daughter being in a relationship much less with an older man. Take it easy. Play it cool and be friendly. Learn more about her. If she still seems interesting, make sure you meet her parents and feel them out. I've seen good guys get in big trouble over this.

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Well, I must add that my parents would never allow me to date anyone until I was 16... and even then there were other excuses. I don't see a problem with a movie, (my parents would come and chaperone) but you could have a nice friendship that could develop over time... a lot of time.


You have good intentions and I'm sure her family likes you as well, but they could have rules such as my parents did.

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Hi dsc,


Patience, patience, I was 23...


I like to say that I am impressed about many members of your generation desiring to wait for the right one.


Never mind 3 years age gap, time goes by fast.


First you should talk to these girls to get to know them.


About the 15 year old, she should be at least 16 for intimate relations. With her you both could share this special first time together (assuming she has no experience).


About the 21 year old, me thinks she is complex due to her bad experiences. So watch out there.


There being 6 years between the two of them, you will see enlightening contrasts.


Make your move and talk to them.

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