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why would she be avoiding hainging out?

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me and this girl a while back got close almost into a relationship. we hung out a few times but talked a lot. it got to the point were every time i asked her to hang out something went wrong like she was avoiding hanging out. we kinda died out then because of this but she still talked to me every once and a while. we dont go to the same schoool so i never see her. well we started talking again recently. and shes telling me how i never called her anymore and stuff. and i didnt want to say its because she never hangs out with me. so shes telling me now how shes upset with guys basically and that she is alone and stuff. so i figure she realises she wants to be with me like i did with her. so i told her that i miss her and want to see her soon and she said we could. but then everytime i bring up hanging out she seems to avoid it. i cant understand this anymore she does this alot. im not blaming her for anything i just really dont know her reason for this.what do you think it could be. also how can i get her to hang out. most of the time we talk online i mean i think ill start to call her again soon but i dont want to get close with her again and have the relationshsip end because of this.

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I'm not sure if I'm right in my interpretation, but to me it sounds like she is interested in being friends with you at this stage, and nothing more (ie. nothing serious).


Perhaps you should start by kinda offering to take her somewhere casual, for instance, to the movies - something that friends do - so that she can get reaquainted with you... if you know what I mean..


Just my interpretation - I hope it provides you with a bit of direction.

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