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Hey, i've been going out with my girlfriend for about 2 months now and the only thing we've done is kiss/makeout. But when we watch TV and are just laying there I rub her *special area* but she has her clothes on and she does'nt do anything, then later when i ask her if she could feel that she would say "YES" and I would ask her if she feels UNCOMFORTABLE if I do that and she says "NO".. So Guys next time we are on the coach watching TV/Doing whatever should i just go under the panties and go down on her? Do you think she'd you know.. allow it.

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Well this all depends on a lot of things. How far has either of you ever gone? I'm guessing this is her first sexual relationship. Most girls are rather shy about these kinds of things. Especially if they are new at it. They always say communication is key, though I feel sitting her down and talking about this issue might be to confrontational.


Maybe next time you should do the usual and then start to proceed further. Look into her eyes and proceed to SLOWLY go further. It seems like she wants to go further, but unsure of how to approach the subject. Sometimes you can say a thousand things without using a word.


If you do decide to take this route. I must urge you to be careful and to respect her choices. Maybe she hasn't acted because she is not ready to go to the next level. You will know right away if she wants you to stop. If you fail, you will be making a big mistake. DO NOT force yourself upon her. This will result in nothing good.


I hope I was able to help you. Respect is paramount in any sexual relationship, especially a new one. Never forget that.

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i kno u said guys answer this, but since no one has i decided to. 8) if you thin this girl is enjoying this or isnt uncomfortable then go for it and go under the underwear. u should prolly see how this goes and THEN think about the rest of it or it could end badly if u went further than she wanted. have fun! lol

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Hey, i see what your saying! She was in a relationship before where she did sexual things because I asked her if she ever has and she was honest but that doesnt matter to me, anyways she got HURT in this relationship so im just trying to take things slow and not force anything.. That is why i just rub her in this area and dont take to the next level.. but since she has done these things and when i ask her bout it and she says she doesnt feel uncomfortable maybe i should go under her underwear next time and you know.. finger her.

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  • 9 months later...
should i just go under the panties and go down on her? Do you think she'd you know.. allow it.
................ I would go under her panties with my fingers but it might be too soon to go down on her as thrilling it would be for me. In time it will feel like the natural thing to do & she might even show her permission thru body language.
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