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missing my girl

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Hey, i'm 15 and i am in a relation ship with a girl wo is greaty and she's amazing and i just love her so much...one problem she's goin away for 3 weeks and she leves tomorrow morning at like 3..I saw her today and we said goodby and everything...see she won't be ablet to call or anything cause she'll be sailing...i know that she'll be having fun and its something she really wants to do but i don't cope well when i miss somebody...and this is a lot worse because we are so close

I was wonderin if anybody has any tips on coping with something like this..thanx sooo much....



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Remember that it is only temporary and that she is coming back. When you start feeling down, remember all of us out here whose loved ones have broken up with them and will NEVER come back.


Keep a picture of her close, imagine her looking at the sky thinking about you, get a calendar and mark the days as they pass until she gets back...hang out with friends and stay busy as much as you can while she's gone...


etc., etc., etc.

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