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Never been Kissed! Help

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Hi I'm needing serious help , I know this is rare but I'm a 22 year old guy and never kissed anyone in my life !! I got the phone number from this wonderful girl and I have yet to call her . She seems to have liked me , so when we go out

do I tell her that I've never been kissed before ??? I'm afraid she will expect me to kiss her and she will think I'm a lousy kisser because i have zero experience and be turned off.Should i tell her I never kissed anyone before or if i tell her it will make things even wors.


thanks for any help and feel free to email me at email removed

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i bet u can kiss good

hey who is born with kissing talents anyways?..

we r not born experts, we learn, mm.. and iam sure u can kiss.

mm.. u do watch movies ya? dont u look the way the men do it why dont u get the ideas from it.. hey comon its not ok to let the gal know in the first date itself "mm.. iam sorry but i have never kissed anyone before, so i dont know how to kiss yu"this is gonna put u down in the first meet, so wat yu have to do is now start practising and go for it ok!


As sombody has said practice makes it better butt perfect practice makes it perfect


and heyy u can do it ..

best of luck..

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pep taLK!

i'm 19 and kissed my first guy about a year ago...

i was SO afraid that he would found out about it cause i would hide in my bubble for the rest of my life..well guess what,it's all about the mood...after spending a good time with the person you'll be so eager to kiss by the end of the date that you wouldn't give a damn even if your kissing expierience ends with your cousin's cheek! guess what, he didn;t notice it was my first kiss,i was actually "good" at it.

u have to have confident and enough passion to do it!

and don't turn a girl off just because of that! call her!!!!!

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i just had my first kiss not so long ago and im 16. i was also scared, i had seen this girl a few times and she really wanted to do stuff with me. i am kinda shy so it took like 3 times to actually kiss her, but when i did it was real easy. dont be afraid and go hard



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  • 6 months later...



I am 23, and I also have never kissed anyone. There is a wonderful young man whom I am getting to know. We've known each other for like 10 years, but we separted when we went to University. We have decided that we wanted to see each other and do some things together, so I am hoping that he will kiss me. I've waited a loong time for this, and have waited a loong time for him. We reconnected this December online, and we've been talking seriously about developing a good bond and such. I am falling in love with him, and I really want him to kiss me. He knows that I've never kissed anyone, and I hope that he at least attempts it because I definitely won't resist him. I'm looking forward to it, and I am hoping that it will last forever.

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Ok I need some help here,


Ok I'm currently dating a girl and we're both thirteen years old ok. We've been going out since school got out which has about seven days already (I know in Junior high thats kinda a long time) but we have'nt kissed yet. My mom always says to ask her first and if she's says no don't argue, and thats what I do. But my problem is I'm to shy to ask what should I do?

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Downwitit, you may not like what I am going to tell you, but I will say it anyway. I think that you have only been going out with this girl for a short time, and should not even be thinking about kissing at this point and time. You are still young, and I think that you need to take your time. I am waiting until marriage, and I see the fruits of it now. God has brought someone wonderful into my life, and he wants to take it slow. He believes that we need to get to know each other completely before we even decide to take it to a romantic level. Even though we are attracted to each other and are fond of each other, we are still waiting and taking it slow. This is too complicated for you to understand, and i think that maybe you should wait till you are a bit older to have a girlfriend.


I want my first kiss to be special, and I am 23. When I kiss this man whom I love with all my heart, and have known for 10 years, I know that it will be something that the both of us wanted and will cherish. Maybe you should slow down and not let your hormones get out of control. Remember, kissing leads to other things, and you must respect the girl that you are going out with. I am a teacher by the way, so I am really stringent.

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