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What to talk about with a girl...HELP

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so i have a problem talking to girls, i dont know what to say to them. alrite so i get the nerve to sign up for a fashion show at the all girls school. so im ready to go out on the runway with my girl partner, all im thinking is wow shes hot, but i dont know what to say. so while everyone is talking i end up just sitting there and saying about 3 total words to her. i have another rehersal in a couple weeks, so what could i say to her when im in this position again?> i dont want her to think im a weirdo because i just sit there and cant talk to her. PLEASE ANYONE WITH ANY HELP OR POINTERS IS APPRECIATED!!! -BRIAN

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well introduce your self if u havent already or say hi and mabey ask open ended qeutions that cant be awnserd with yes or no and listen to what she saying and let her know ure interested by going how interestiong or i know what you mean or keep going dunt know if im much help im horrible at geting point accross from bad spelling and grammer.

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Yeah basiclly what D.Breker said. What you could do, is watch sports she likes most likely softball vollyball or whatever and talk to her about that. Talk about important events like how David Blaine spent 177 hours or 7 days in a huge bowl filled with water znd the only thing he could live off of was a oxygen mask and how he released himself from 8 different handcuffs while holding his breath for 7 minutes and 8 seconds. Theres a topic to talk about right after you open the conversation up.

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I think you are thinking and strategizing too much here bro. I've found when you start thinking too much, it gets easier to rationalize yourself out of the situation and say nothing. There's not one "right" thing to say to every woman. A lot of it is situational.


Just look at the situation and surroundings you guys are in. Find something interesting and/or amusing about the situation that catches your attention and say something about it in her presense, sort of in passing. See how she reacts, feel out the response, and just let the situation carry you to where it's going to go from there. By letting it ride like this, you're more likely to come accross genuinely which is a good thing. I think too many people try too hard to do all the "right" things, especially in the beginning of things.


If you feel the vibe, great, if not, laugh it off and you'll forget about it in a day or so anyway, or even sooner if you find someone else way cooler to talk to...


orgasmictofu put it well, you're just talking to a person, we're all here just trying our best...

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so i have a problem talking to girls, i dont know what to say to them. alrite so i get the nerve to sign up for a fashion show at the all girls school. so im ready to go out on the runway with my girl partner, all im thinking is wow shes hot, but i dont know what to say. so while everyone is talking i end up just sitting there and saying about 3 total words to her. i have another rehersal in a couple weeks, so what could i say to her when im in this position again?> i dont want her to think im a weirdo because i just sit there and cant talk to her. PLEASE ANYONE WITH ANY HELP OR POINTERS IS APPRECIATED!!! -BRIAN


Talk to her about normal stuff. In fact, you don't have to do much talking yourself as long as you are pleasant to be with and have the ability to get people talking themselves. If she is in a conversation with you and you keep her doing 90% of the talking she won't even notice that you didn't say too much about yourself. She will have had too much fun chatting away with you.


Do you have trouble talking to girls you aren't interested in? Just normal girls? It's the same thing, except for you allowing yourself to be blinded and intimidated by someone who was born with a gift of looking better than others. It's still a normal person beneath that skin.

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