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He's having a baby....should i move on?

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Kudos to you for going to school to make a better life for yourself... I am a single mom in school too, it's hard!!!


As far as your bf goes, I would really think about whether or not he's someone you want to date. Basically, it all comes down to stability. Is he going to be able to provide stability for you and your child? He is about to have a LOT on his plate, especially if he is planning on being involved with his child.


Think about it like this:


1). Would you feel safe being pregnant with his child?

2). Do you know that he would always take care of you no matter what?

3). Would you want him to be the raising your child if something were to happen to you? Do you trust him enough for that?


If your answers are yes, then I'd say he's worth it. If you answered no to any of those, or you can't decide, you might want to re-evaluate your faith in him.


Good luck!

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Because you wrote you were initially leery about it...


Because deciding to stay in relationship with him means you are tacitly agreeing to deal with this ex, this baby as well as your own baby and your relationship.


Because if he's hitting on you while some woman is pregnant with his child, what has he learned about keeping his willy in his pants?


Because my gut tells me.


Because the second that baby's born, he may decide he needs to marry/be with baby's mom.


You're darn right he needs a break.


Because I think it is irresponsible for a man to start dating while his ex is pregnant with his child. It's only 9 months. Can't he be alone that long? Who knows how he will feel about her and the baby after baby is born? Or after baby gets a bit older and daddy actually falls in love with his son/daughter.


I just see a lot of potential for hurt here, dear.


Because your #1 concern should be you and your daughter. Sorry, I apologize, it's not my place to "should" on you. That's strictly my opinion.


You stated you had set aside the dating thing for a while.....but actually I know both male and female parents who do this for years, not a few months, in order to properly deal with their parenting and/or education obligations. I am certainly not saying you "should" do this, but it is interesting that you met this guy and suddenly changed that decision. It is flattering to have that attention paid to you.

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I'm sorry my suggestion offended you.


If you don't appreciate comments like that perhaps you should not be posting on boards looking for input.


Of course there's tons that I don't know about! That's the nature of the boards.


Save your energy -- don't use it getting angry at me.


Save yourself.

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