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Your opinions on the world of cyber.

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Hello all!!


I want to get a discussion going on cyber relationships, friendships ect. Any views or experiences about this would be greatly appreciated!!


For example-


* Meeting people in person that you've met on the net.

* Success stories in cyber love.

* Do u feel its harmless to meet people on the net?

* Have u ever done it?

* Should net friendships/relationships be strictly platonic and fun?


Any opinions and good or bad experiences that yourself, or friends and relatives had been through, please share!





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I've met people from the net before. Sometimes it has ended up pretty well, sometimes it hasn't. You have to be really careful about meeting people online, especially here in the states. But it can work out well. My parents used to host "net" pool parties at our house and that could be quite interesting in itself. I met many of my parents friends this way. Some of them were some pretty odd characters, but most were regular normal people. In older(agewise) chatrooms on the net, they often will post messages for some kind of "bash" that is going on for all the people in the chatroom to attend. It's a great way to meet people you talk to online in a public place without having the worry of meeting privately. That can be somewhat scary sometimes. I've done that, and nothing really bad happened, but it was still a bit nerve-racking. I know of a few success stories of relationships working, but for the most part personally and within my family, it hasn't worked. But nonetheless it is a great way to meet people. Just do as SwingFox said, talk to them on the phone, that's a better way to tell if someone is trustworthy or not because it is harder to hide it in their voice. Hope this helped!

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I think it can definitely work! But you have to think...your world has now opened up to more people than if there was no internet so you have to be extra choosy. I have met two people from the internet. The first one turned out to be quite weird and we didn't hit it off at all. The second however, worked out so well that we managed a Long Dist. Rel. for over 2 years until I was able to get all the paperwork to move here to lovely England (from US)! I've been here for 8mnths now and we are doing splendidly. I suggest really getting to know the person via email and phone as much as possible before meeting up unless it is a big book group getting together or something a bit more innocent. I was lucky...so very lucky in more ways then one, I met a great guy. I think as time passes it is becoming more and more practised. I mean just think, We're talking to a guy from the Netherlands right now, how cool is that?

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That's a great question. Here's some of my personal experience and thoughts:


Cyber Friendships

Defined as exchange of emails, IM nicks, even photos and some details about personal life, but no phone numbers and no meetings. By far the best kind of experiences I've had. There's no pressure to meet and no weird or creepy experiences.


Online Matchmaking

This is such a tricky area. I've met several women through personal ads, etc. All were disappointments. One of the biggest problems was that women have tended to lie online...about all kinds of things, including how they look or whether they have a boyfriend. Another phenomenon is that women can very easily perceive someone they meet online as nothing more than a blip on their screen, and act coldly. I can't "go there" with people because they are online, but apparently, some people put people they meet online in a different category of human. I think that if you're interested in dating online, you need to practically demand a personal meeting, and soon. Otherwise, your feelings and expectations can run wildly from the reality of the actual person you are talking to. Also, guys should always offer to meet in a public place with a group, or at least with the woman's friend. Women should expect this, likewise. Having said all these things, I still think there's a better than average chance that I'll eventually meet my lifemate online. It's just that now I won't let my feelings get too involved until I've actually met someone. There's no better way to increase your odds of meeting a special person than the internet...but you'll never know chemistry and compatibility via a computer.

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I think it is incredible, the impact internet can have on your life, simply by connecting you with a person you would never meet without this medium!


Well I've had my deal of meetings with people I've met online. The very first ever was three years ago. We met on a forum or something and after two or three months of e-mailing looong in depth letters, chatting and many 6 hour phone calls, he took a flight from the USA to where I live, the Netherlands. An incredible time, we ended up getting engaged, but broke up eventually. But yes it certainly can work! The break up did not have to do with the long distance aspect, nor with the fact we had met online.


I have also met some people online who are still among by best friends. They are all male though! I can get along better with men also in r/l, but sometimes I wish I'd have friends online who are girls. But somehow I cannot get into real contact with girls online. I wonder why.


Actually meeting with net-friends, I don't always have that urge. Strange enough, especially when I feel a connection between me and the other and we can talk well! An online friendship can be very special, and who knows it might be destroyed if the same (platonic) connection is not there in r/l.


That was my experience with online friends and relationship


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I am currently in a relationship that began on the internet. cheesy enough, it was a website to meet "the person of your dreams." my boyfriend of 2 and a half happened to live in the same city as i, and after talking for about 5 months off and on, we decided to meet. he came to my work and we immediately started dating. we felt like we already knew each other well enough because we had talked so long on the internet in many hour long converstations. we both love each other very much and talk of being maried one day. i have met a few other people on the internet just as friends, and i am so glad i did. my father and his new wife met on icq and have now been married for 2 years. meeting people on the internet can be a wonderful thing! there are so many people you can meet! of course, there are some crazy people out there, so just meet in groups and stuff or have them come up to your work if you trust them enough.

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