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And here it goes...

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I usually only reply to people's posts but I feel like talking so here it goes...


I have always adored the name Emily. I feel in my heart that Emily is the name of my one true soulmate. Such a wonderful name, a name to steal my heart...


Anyway I finish work this afternoon, and decide to grab myself a bottle of Champagne to end the week. I mean, who wants to go home after a week of work and laze around doing nothing only to watch a bit of tv and go to bed?


I grab my bottle, and procede to the one of 3 counters in the bottle shop where a rather pretty young girl is working. I wait in line, then when I'm am up at the counter, she says to me... "Is your name Drew, from primary school?" and I respond "Yes! Emily isn't it!"


We knew eachother from 8.5 years ago and I had not seen her since. We were not really friends in primary school but things change and so do people. She litteraly took my breath away!


I have always known in my heart that if I am to meet the girl of my dreams, she will be able to cripple me with a smile... and melt me with her eyes. I was never attracted to Emily in primary school (I am now 21) but seeing her now, melted my heart...


We chatted for a bit (not too long cause there were people waiting in line) but as I walked out of the store I knew... this time I had to do something about it. No more cowardly acts! Being the guy I used to be, too sy to ever EVER approach a girl.


So I sit at home drinking my champagne, thinking of what I have to do. I know that the chances are she is not "the one" for me, but the name Emily is enough to mesmorise me... I smile all night long, and realise tomorrow or the day after, I am really going to actually do something about this girl, regardless of outcome.


I can handle rejection, I can handle being alone, but I can't handle regret. I will for once, make it my goal to get what I want rather than taking the easy way out of ignoring the feelings until they go away. I will let her know that I am interested! And so begins my transition, from unconfident, nervous fool, to theguy who has decided to take control of his life.


This is it, and I will no longer live my life in regret...


Here I go

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