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I read some of the posts and I noticed "innocent flirting" mentioned alot. Would lots of touching (arms, shoulders, back and legs, not rubbing... jusr touching)and a girl leaning on your for hours sound like "I'm interested" flirting to anyone? She didn't do it to anyone else, either. However, she has a boyfriend so who knows but this was at college orientation and he won't be going to my school. I might give her a call today or tomorrow... any tips?

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Sounds cool bud. Sounds like you got it going. I have to break it to you, but....she likes you, she is attracted to you, she wants you, go for it. Dont worry about her boyfriend, dating is merely a social commitment, its not like she is going to marry him or something. And if he wants to challenge you, have no fear, the law protects you all the way, you can even impose a fine on him.


Keep in mind,


Friends come and Go, enemys accumilate,


take care,



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I got her number...... gonna give her a call tomorrow...... I'm not gonna ask her out.... yet. Just concerned about how things'll go. Basically, I'm just showing my interest and trying to see if she really is too. I'll give details tomorrow..... hopefully I won't need counseling

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