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Why Do Girls Tell You They Like You When Its Too Late!!!!

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Sorry if this is obvious to everyone else, but I just need an explicit "connect the dots" here: Did she tell you that she never wants you to talk to her again because she's mad that you're hooking up with your ex? Is she mad b/c it's your ex, or that it's just *any* other girl? Could she have reason to believe that you led her on?


And Stallion--Whatcha doing hooking up w/ your ex???

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Calm down. She's jealous. If you really want her, now is your only chance to jump in with both feet and try to get her. I don't care how you do it, but you have to *convince* her that she's the only one you want: Send a HUGE bunch of flowers to her house, get down on your knees and sing her a stupid song, write a long and heartfelt letter and deliver it in person tomorrow morning with a bunch of cinnamon rolls...whatever.


I know this goes against all the Tough Man rules that the guys on here lay out, but I don't think this is the time to be macho or play games. If she cares enough to be ticked, she probably still cares...but her pride is wounded and she probably feels a bit embarrassed and vulnerable because of it. In situations like this, many women like to be made to feel special. If she really thinks you're cool, she'll take "I'm an idiot" to be a legitimate apology.

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If you NEVER would have gotten involved with your ex if you knew how this other girl felt about you, then pedal backwards as fast as you can while there's still time.


Stallion, your ex has caused you so much pain. You deserve a fresh start with a girl who is obviously crazy about you.

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You know what, italian? It's not too late. You know why? Because you're unhappy about the way things turned out. You're with your ex, when you would clearly rather be with this other girl. Ditch the ex and be direct with this other girl, ask her out. Apologize for being an idiot (which is, in this situation, very obviously true, sorry to say). You're unhappy with your ex, and it really just sounds like you just hooked up with her to have someone to hook up with. Not a good enough reason to be in a relationship. If you care about the other girl enough, then get rid of this little plaything you're keeping around... no one in the situation, including you, is happy with that.


Or else the problem is that you don't want to give up your ex. First off, there IS a reason you two broke up before. But that's your choice to make. Just make the choice between the two of them. Don't keep one and pine after the other - that's disrespectful to both of them, and it will end with you not being able to keep either of them. Make a choice and stick to it.

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