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Is there anyone in this forum who is male and who comes form a culture where the men greet by kissing each other on the lips? If so, do you have close male friends who you do this with? I'm speaking of only a greeting, not something imoral. Do any of you males have male family members such as brothers who you kiss on the lips as a greetin? I think such is so beautiful when it can be done without being imoral espeiclally between brothers.

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Well, while I do not quite understand where your question is coming from, I can tell you that I lived in Dubai for close to 2 years and that was the closest I got to seeing male friends kiss each other as a mere greeting. But even then it wasn't quite on the lips. The men would hug and kiss their cheeks affectionately three times before drawing apart and coming together in a warm embrace again, most of them, at least. I thought it was really nice and found the culture quite interesting......


Hope that helps..

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The russian culture is one of kissing on the lips. It's not as common these days anymore, but 20 yrs ago this was the norm. If you were around then, you will remember seeing russian presidents on the news kissing their political colleagues. And I've seen this first hand. Although this may be beautiful to some, I think this is not sanitary - talk about instant infection if one has a virus!!

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