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How many days...Until the "Call"


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When to call. Got his Number from a girl (cell Phone number) she said this is my Nex-Tel's Phone Number.


It was friday the 18th i got the number, after i handed her a rose, and told her that i apperciated her being a friend and showing me a good time. (known each other for about 5 weeks) we dance alot, and she slow danced with me to Kidrock's song "picture" and was teaching me how to slow dance.. shes 24 works 2 jobs, has her own house on a lake side view. This girl is well SET. for only being 24, and my Question would be.


How many days should i wait until..? I tryed to call today got a Voicemail...DIDN"T leave a message. should i leave a message, and what should i say? or if i get her in person, What should i say?



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WRONG. Just because she gave him the number doesent mean she likes him. As I see it, this is turning out to be just a good FRIENDSHIP. Nothing more nothing less. Id say its to late. But perhaps you can try this. Call her and if the voicemail comes on say "hey its blah blah, Im free on blah blah and I was wonderin if youd like to goto blah blah with me." If you dont get a response than call back like 5 days(NONE IN BETWEEN) later and say, "Hey I didnt get your call back, Jus thought Id let you know that your missin out on the greatest guy, me haha. So call me back at ???-???? so we can set something up on my busy schedule. If you dont get a response than youve lost her. IF you do then she either really wants to be your friend or is intrested. After that on the dat jus act cool and relaxed. Make sure your in control. Also stop being so nice, its ok to tease girls a little bit.They love it.

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