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So Jealous

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Ever heard the expression "u never know what u have till its gone"?!? Well im in the same position. Except i started liking my ex before he started dating this other girl. But anyways, try an not b jealous if u think u r. Try an talk 2 her but not so much that it mite make her boyfriend mad or anything. That way, when or if they break up, u wont b far away from her that yall wouldnt ever work out again, u would still b there as a shoulder 2 cry on. Mayb if u play your cards rite, u can win her back. If u need anymore help, messege me or sumthing.


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If you are with someone you cared about at all, even just a little bit, then its natural to be jealous when they move on to be with someone else. You probably miss her and if you havnt found someone new you might be jealous of the fact that she got a new partner?

Either way..its a classic time to do some work on yourself..go out a bit more, work out a bit more, make plans for the future and have something to work for might make you feel better. Let youtreslf feel bad/jealous, but dont let it consume you..i know its really hard though.

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