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Has anyone ever been to "Emotions Anonymous"?

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What's it like?


I found out about one going on tonight, but I am not going because I don't feel like it. I may go next week. I'm leery of the 12-step programs because of the "higher power" stuff. I just wanted people to talk to face-to-face. Does anyone have any experience with this group?

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  • 1 month later...

I'm just updating this thread with some information.


I finally went to EA. Thanks Genesis! It was different than I expected. I don't have a problem with the "higher power" stuff there at all. I still don't know what to think, so I'll be there a few more times.


Here's what happened. We read passages out of their book, and people talked about what parts really meant something to them. since I was new, I just said breifly what brought me there. This was followed by going out for nachos.


Some of the people did seem to have a kind of cult-like attitude towrds the 12 steps, while others told me that they didn't really care for the strucure of working with the book. After one meeting I just think that there needs to be some kind of structure, so I guess the book is OK with me. Every other week they have a free form meeting where you can just discuss your issues at length, if I understood correctly.


The people there were not "my kind" of people at all. I would never consider striking up a converstion with any of them if I saw them somewhere. That is a great thing to experience, talking to people you normally just filter out. It's very interesting. I post on this site and have never seen any of you, but to be forced to overcome your bias to reach out when someone is right there, and to watch them overcome their bias-you can see it for split second-is kind of fun. This is why the strucure is good.


I'm glad I went. It certainly didn't hurt

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