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Has this happened to anyone...


U make a good friend. Somone u never met. And things are going great. Ur partying, Studying , Enjoyin life together. U start thinking , Wow did i meet this guy before? Cuz it seems like we no everyhting bout each other in say about only 2 months!!. And u create a slogan for ur friendship "Bad Boys For LIFE"...........


And then, Just like that. One fine day, U just fail to understand what went wrong. And everything is over. No more calling, Making plans, Or even talking? But Just meeting during lecture hours, Waving and saying HI!.. And thats it.


And then months later, U get a call and are invited to a party from the same friend. And u think, Things are finally getting back to normal. But just when ur feeling good about it, Weeks pass, And no more plans. No more calling again.


What do u do? How do u move on. How do u forget about the best days of ur life. When u found a brother, Not a friend.


This may bee to deep. But i am feeling really low about this whole thing. Needed to get it out somewhere.

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Sadly this will happen in life. We make friends and things are good for a long time, but then events happen in life and we forget our old friends. The fire has been put out. My advice is try to hang out with other friends, or make set plans to meet with your friend and hang out at certain times. But if you feel that your friend has moved on, then as you stated, you wish to do that. Hang out with the friends that matter and that you do now. They will be your support; your strength.

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Sadly, friends will come and go, but true family is forever.


I've been through my share of sister-like friends myself which didn;t work out.


You need to take it for what it is and just move on. Have you made any persistent attempts to keep the friendship alive? If he isn't reciprocating, you have to just let it go.

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That has been the toughest part, Leting go is so damn difficult!


Well i try my best to make plans, Invite him to places even if m with people he never met or knows. Well cuz i cant forget the times we spent together.


I wanna give it another try. The kind of advice i am looking for is, Which will help me get things back to normal. I dont wanna just LET GO!!


Hanging out with other friends doesnt feel this good. I dunno what kind of attatchment i have with him, But doesnt feel the same wid ne one else. WE HAD A BLAST EVERY SINGLE DAY!!


Ps- its nothing to do with his physical appearance, But the way we had our fun!

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I have two blood brothers and three friend brothers, I see them only once in awhile, but we are brothers till death. Ill do anything for them that is within my means as I know they would do for me. We have been through that much. If your boy isn't with you for life then he isnt your boy.

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