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Is it over between us? Does this new guy really like me?

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So I have been with Mario for a lil over 2 years - Many posts on here about our relationship.... Anways, he does notappreciate me, doesnt ask how my day was, no longer tells me he loves me because I lied to him in JUNE of 2005!!, when i got a surprising 100% on my english paper he failed to congratulate me...


I love him, I dont want to hurt him... BUt honestly, I can say I do not see myself being with him in the future, ( he said he hopes my cat dies soon cuz he was bpurring so loud last nyte) (he also gets mad if i talk to my girlfriend on the phone) hes kind of verbally abusive, but ive done my fair share of lying n stuff....


It hurts to let go, but more or less there is this other guy who is a cop, has ambition n i could actually see myself having a future with, we have been hanging out lately... i really like him!


Since we have been 2gether so long I know its not really healthy for me to jump into another relationship but i guess what im lokin for in this posting is some advice or thoughts on leaving him, why i should, how, when... what to do withthis new guy.....



its only me who makes my life so difficult.....](*,)

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  • 1 month later...

His unability to forgive is his state of hell, but boy did you contribute to all of this , personally i think he has a low 'tolerance' of things to go wrong. That's a bit too harsh, along with his cat comments. I think its a good thing you leave, if he can't forgive you then you must exuse yourself from this relationship, maby one day he'll forgive you , but that most likely will be in a next life, and your life is too short to wait for that. thereforeeee, id give the cop a try , but no more stupid violations of trust ok? Because this guy will arrest you if you 'break the law'

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