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female ejactulation

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is there such a thing, ive seen on porn movies and clips on the interent images of women when they cum they can squirt a liquid. none of the girls i have been with have done this, can only a few women do this or is it just to make the clips more interesting

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I believe the "myth" of female ejaculation is not all what it is portrayed to be. Don't get me wrong females, like males, do have the potential to ejaculate but it is not a climax like male ejaculation. Female ejaculation occurs as a response when the woman is turned on and is the bodies natural way of lubrication.

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  • 5 weeks later...
It is for real. Women can in fact do this, though I hear that is is rare.
Thank you for making my embarrassing thoughts good news. I have always done that but thought it to be urine. I have always held back the feeling and have missed out with a partner. Nice to know, I am the rare %.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have made women ejaculate in this way during sex and with my fingers, once during sex she got emarrassed about it I told her it was fine and that is supposed to happen she also lost the use of her legs temparily. another time she sprayed everywhere it was amazing. I try to do this everytime I'm with a women the noise they make when they come in this way turns me on and the juice production turns me on even more. So its not a myth.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Its for real. I know if a female has good kegel muscles and they can clinch really hard that is the female ejaculation. Sometimes the female doesnt have to clinch and it naturally happens. Mother nature gave females the power to ejaculate so that we wouldnt rub raw. That would hurt. This is rare and that is why they sell lube.

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