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hi all,


this is my second post in which i've been wondering about homesickness/going away.


In a couple days (saturday) i'll be going away for summer camp. While i'm there i wont see my friends family or dogs for 2 weeks (mind you that i'm not a "sports person") so ya anyway after 2 weeks i get 1 day with my family, i'll prolly call suma my friends then its rite back for another week. I'm not worried about the last week as i usually have fun BUT OHH GOD THE FIRST 2 WEEKS!! i cant stand them. I know that i'm being stupid that its not that long, but for some reason 2 weeks seems like 2 years. Last yr at camp i had been there 2 days and i was already getting bored and wanting to go home. going to camp was never my choice, but this is the last year i can go. Does anyone know how to get over homesickness? even tho this is my 7th yr and i'm 15 yrs old, i still miss my family and friends ALOT, i miss the things i do at homes etc. can anyone suggest anything besides "just forget about it" or "relax"? thats what i've been told for 7 years!


Thanks alot, i appriciate the help and the caring that everyone here shows!!




-- Darknova


P.S i put it in this catagory simply becuase it causes me grief, i know this isnt as serious as other peoples problems and i almost feel guilty about it, pease deal with others problems first

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well what i would have to say, that does it for me every time is to write letters and send them. r keep a journal/diary whatever you want to call it

all im saying is find a creative way to kepp your mind off of your family and friends, not saying forget them but dont think about them all the time!


have fun at camp!



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I agree with everything that was said above. Its nice to know that you get homesick because you love your family, friends and dogs so much. Im sure your not the only person at camp that feels this way. Maybe you should share this with some of your close friends at camp and see if any of them have the same suggestion. As it is your last year, try to have the time of your life. And write to your family. Just get really involved in the first 2 weeks of activities and Im sure youll find in no time youll be having fun. Smile and Have a great time.

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