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Can love grow?

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I know that people say that they just KNOW when they are in love.


Can you learn to love someone while being in a relationship with someone?

Or maybe if it was there and then it faded, can it come back?


Or is it that if you don't feel it right away, it isn't there and won't ever be there.

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Ok, I can tell you from my experience in a past relationship that you can't learn to love someone. I dated a best friend and it seemed like that was how it was supposed to be. In the beginning of our relationship things were great and him and I loved each other at some point. Then as the relationship wore on we started having many problems and I didn't love him anymore. I thought if I could just stick it out with him I'd learn to love him and everything would be okay. I never started to love him again and it was kind of like forcing the chemistry that wasn't there anymore. The boyfriend I have now I knew when i first saw him that I was going to be so in love with him and this relationship has lasted 3 years and we still have the same chemistry when we first met. When you meet the special someone you do know, but you can't force yourself to love someone. It's just something thats naturally there. Just my opinion....

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I think you can learn to love some...as you learn MORE about them. Sometimes, in dating, you only get to see a little bit of a person. As time passes, that mask they wear goes away. You see who they've been hiding. This either attracts or repels you.


The two times I've been in love, I didn't see it coming. I didn't even like either guy at first. They didn't impress me, didn't stick out in some memorable way. But both were guys I worked with and as time passed, I got to know them.


The twist--neither guy is right for me. One guy even said he's not good enough for me. (I disagree! We're just not a match. I see it more than he does. Yet, if I ended up with him, I'd smile everyday for the rest of my life.)

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i think love can definitely grow or at least its gorwn with me, throught the 2 years w my gf id risk anything and do any thing to be with her and i must be sincere with u that i would have not said this 1 year ago. to answer your 2nd question i think that if its true love your feeling for someone theres no reason for it to fade away unlesss you meet someone else but if you really love the person youll only have eyes for him/her

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