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Told EX I am in a New Relationship

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Hello everyone. Well my ex broke up with me about 4 months ago. In that time I was struggling with NC. In early Jan, I met someone and got into a relationship. Tonight my ex IM'd me asking if I am in a relationship! I was sooo reluctant to answer. He continued to ask and started to become mad when I did not answer. He then called me three times and I did not pick up. He then told me that if I dont answer him then he will never speak to me ever again and that I better loose his number. He then told me that he won't be mad if I told him and that he really wants to know. He made me upset and then I eventually told him and then I told him I would loose his number then I blocked his sn. I still care about him though. Did I do the right thing? I feel bad that I told him. ](*,)

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What exactly is it to him whether you're in a relationship or not? Obviously he's upset that you have moved on because he's one of those people who doesn't want his ex back but just wants to be safe in the knowledge that YOU want HIM for the sake of his ego. What a sad loser, lose his number for sure.

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