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Question for the ladies

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For every short bald guy there is a short fat girl - and for every Paris Hilton there is a girl who wants someone to spend time with regardless of how they look.


The older you get the more you'll find that both sexes stop caring about appearances and care more about how someone makes them feel.

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What makes a person attractive to me is a sense of humor. A great personality. A good conversationalist. Someone who's got it going on. Well read. Has a sense of purpose. Has some life to em. lol.


Bald... hmmm nope. Wouldn't bother me. Thin. hmmmm... as long as your arn't stealing my jeans..


Short? well.. my jeans would be too long for you anyway.. 36" legs... grin.


The older you get what is on the outside matters less and less. People start becoming "REAL"... I think that hunting on looks alone is for the superficially young.


You're ok. Cultivate your mind. Plant seeds there that will grow a bountiful garden.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Do balding, short, thin guys turn you off or are there girls out there that don't mind if a guy isn't athletic and is losing his hair? I am just curious to know.


There are some things in life you cannot change, hair loss is one of them.


However, you can work on feeling better inside.


Dont try to change things that cannot be changed, work on the things that can.

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