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I need adivce on trust


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I really need good advice. I broke up with my girlfriend almost a year ago. We had a good relationship for the most part. I basically broke up with her because i felt like we weren't working anymore, things were becoming cumbersome. But,, towards the last couple of months of our relationship, she began hanging out with another guy, and never told me about it. It went on for alomst 2 months. Basically they would hang out when i wasn't around. I know they were talking on the phone as well, and stuff like that. I know the guy too, we were kind of friends, but truthfully i didn't trust him, i viewed him as kind of a sleazy guy, and i think i was pretty much right about that. anyway, the point is, that i do love her, and want to trust her, but for some reason i keep thinking to myself that if something like that happens, its usually a sign that the person probably doesn't like you very much, or just doesn't have any respect for you.

I know that she didn't cheat on me, but during that time when they were hanging out, i remember feeling terrible all the time. Wondering what was going on, and being very angry. so, i guess my question is,,, is this something that i can get over? is this something thats forgivable, or is it infact a sign that we probably shouldn't be together. I struggle with this everyday, and i could really use some advice. I've had trouble trusting people ever since, and i still really don't like what happened. I felt betrayed. thanks for reading

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I think suspected infidelity can be just as damaging to a relationship as actual infidelity, so I can understand why you would be wary.


I guess what it comes down to, is whether or not this is something you think you can, or are even willing to overcome?


Since I'm assuming you are now entertaining the idea of a reconciliation, do you think the relationship would be better this time around? I know you mentioned towards the end it just didn't seem to be working and felt cumbersome, the hanging out with this other guy was kind of just the topper for the demise of the relationship.


I would really examine all aspects of the relationship, and if you feel like she's worth another go, by all means, give it a try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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