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Am I overreacting ???

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yeah id say that was over-reacting. people say white lies to spare feelings as well, maybe your friend just didnt want to come over and wanted to sapre your feelings. she should have just been honest with you, saying that she had an invite to go out, and that shed rather be out on nye.

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she was invited after she had refused me.she was honest when she said she wanted to stay at her house...i guess...

i still think she was trying to save your feelings. she may have had an inclination of an invite for the festivities tonight. maybe she just wanted to go out tonight and was holding out for the invites. who knows.


i mean, youre 18, one nye at home at 18 years old is like.. breaking up with your boyfriend at 18. it pretty much amounts to nothing, you have an entire life to prepare for and youre worried about one night alone? did you spend last night at home alone? there isnt much difference.

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