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anything wrong with me????

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hey all,

dunno if u read my lasat thread- life in general

well i still feel like im hitting a brick wall sometimes because i keep trying to confuse myself with thoughts and posisbly thinking to inwardly about everything and cant seem to think of much else. its hard to explain how im thinking at the moment-maybe too deeply, but ive been confused aboutm life in general and its meanings and cant seem to just get on and live.Ive started now analyzing myself and looking inside and questioning who i really am and thinking about soles, personalities and not seeing myself as a whole prson. sounds weird- but does anyoen know what i mean. ive mayeb started thinking like this cos i have been so confused and made me look at life in a different way and i seem to have a fear of goin mad and insain and thinking like this seems to be confusing me- just lots of negeative thinking! can anyone help or know what im goin through or is there anything wrong with me????? i just need to break out if this cycle of negative thinking because i wanna enjoy my life again. ](*,)

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Hey emily!


I think it's ok to think about deep and meaningful things like who we are... it's interesting!


I've been trying to break a cycle of negative thinking too and I think I've managed to overcome it.


A part of overcoming it has been by thinking about crazy stuff like who I am and what I'm hear for and stuff like that!


You don't need to fear "goin mad". That's not going to happen, especially not by just thinking about who you are.


Let me guess though.

You've finished school in the last few weeks/months and now you're on holiday yeah?

And so it's quite possible you have a lot more time on your hands?

Is that right?


Thing is, when we have a lot of time for ourselves we tend to do things like this, just thinking.

There are plently of cool books and things to read at your library or on the internet if you do a search, that might help occupy your inquisitive mind for a while!


But I'll tell you what else.

You seem like a cool person, I bet that you have a lot of positive attributes yeah?

So it'll be cool and rewarding to think about who you are and whatever else.


So there's nothing wrong with doing this... everyone does it.

And there is nothing wrong with YOU for doing this!


I think it will be a good idea to focus some of your curiosity in something else though... like in a hobby or in a book or a new area of interest. Like I said, maybe you could find some things to read about whatever you are thinking about.


Oh and my favourite thing to do to just contemplate life is to get outside and enjoy nature! Just getting some fresh air and going for a walk is so relaxing and really clears your head.

So I say go for a walk/jog and see what happens, I think it will relax your mind and give you a break from pondering the answer to life, the universe and everything


If you want to chat, philosophise, ask anything, whatever, feel free to pm me too.


Take care and Happy Holidays!

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i have similar things happen to me. sometimes i can detatch myself so much, i feel like im just watching things around me, that im not even there. i think i do that when im in situations that bother me or confuse me or provoke any other negative feelings.

the fact is, you realize what your mind is doing. because you know this, you can help yourself in a positive way. registered is right, your mind wanders if you have nothing the really focus on.

i wouldnt worry though, it should fade past. just stay relaxed and maybe take up an interesting hobby!

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thankyou for your replies. im going to take up some hobbies. i realised i havent got a focal point of interest in my life and that seemed to be what i was lacking. so im goin to do summit about it possibly gym/fitness and mediation to clear and focus my mind. feeling more positive already and should pass soon!! starting to feel more attached to life! finally. guess life can be challenging and if it wasnt , life wouldnt be as interesting!??!

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