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Getting together -- DIY


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Now days a girls got to put herself out there, let a guy know she's interested, make it OBVIOUS without straight out saying an awkward "I like you". So my question is, how did you and your girl/boyfriend get together, and what are some alternative things to say instead of "I like you" (but still giving a similar message).

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The people i've been in relationships with, i've usually hooked up with them first at a party, so I said "I like you" that way, LOL


Otherwise... while talking to them, you can always just leave the like, "window of oppurtunity" open.. talk about how you really want to see this movie but you're friends are too chicken to go see it with you or something, how you have nothing to do this weekend, etc , or then just be like.. so, you're hot, i'm hot, lets catch up sometime? ;D lol. =P

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It's funny you should say make it "OBVIOUS without straight out saying an awkward "I like you"" because just last night, I spent 4 hours on the phone with someone who I really like (and it's mutual) and I finally just said "Oh, hell-- I really like you!" and that was sort of awkward, but it got everything out on the table, lol


We're dating now, so I think it depends on who you're talking with; some people like being blunt and others prefer just sort of hinting at it..

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