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how do i ask her out


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Ok, don't ask out women you know your not probably going to get. The beautiful high-maintenance women actually once you date them after a while begin to show their ugly side and don't seem as pretty as you thought they were before the relationship.


Instead, choose a girl that you KNOW you can get. Plus you seem infatuated because I remember a month or 2 ago you posted something like this. She's not interested man, get over it, there's plenty more women out there.


Start asking women out when you like them for their personality not their looks .

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Personally, I like the authentic women. The ones who are great without all the high-maintanance stuff. Those are the ones that attract me the most


I've only seen a couple, and only one that really stuck with me


So. This has been happening other times, huh? Certainly there has to be someone who has shown some interest in you. And it is true that high-maintanance women aren't that nice, even just as friends.

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How many of u have seen this movie called "Hitch"..Well there is this line in the movie i think is rite for the sittuation.."If ur shy be shy..If ur outgoing be outgoing"..U seem to be a shy type of a guy!..Naturally ur gonna find it tough to go and talk to girls..But if u dunt make any efforts to talk to girls..u ill end up being single for a long time until u overcome ur fear!!!..

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